Energy Efficient Singapore

Adopt Green IT and Green Computing Practices

Green IT or green computing usually refers to making the data centre and other IT system or equipment more energy efficient, and to reduce the environmental impacts associated with IT, such as recycling of computing equipment. You can adopt the following Green IT practices on energy efficiency in your organisation’s…

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Overview of the Energy Situation in Singapore

This is an overview of the energy situation in Singapore in terms of Electricity Consumption; Energy Consumption; Energy Intensity; Discrepancy Between Energy Statistics; and Energy Efficiency Policies. 1. Electricity Consumption According to the National Energy Policy Report, the power generation sector accounts for 51% of the fuel consumption in Singapore…

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Singapore’s National Policies on Energy and Climate Change

This summary aims to provide a brief overview of Singapore’s national policies on energy and climate change, and is divided into the following sections: National Policy Reports Energy Policy Group Singapore’s Economic Focus Energy Supply Clean Energy Carbon Intensity and Energy Efficiency 1. National Policy Reports The Singapore government’s policies…

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Adopt Green IT and Green Computing Practices

Green IT or green computing usually refers to making the data centre and other IT system or equipment more energy efficient, and to reduce the environmental impacts associated with IT, such as recycling of computing equipment. You can adopt the following Green IT practices on energy efficiency in your organisation’s…

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Use Government Fundings for Energy Audits and Energy Efficient Technologies

There are several funding and incentive schemes provided by the National Environment Agency (NEA) to help companies reduce their costs in engaging ESCOs or investing in energy saving equipment and technologies. If companies lack the expertise to manage their energy consumption, they can engage an Energy Services Company (ESCO) to…

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