What On Earth Are You Doing?

what-on-earth-ebook-logoIf you’re interested about what is happening to the environment and want to do something for the environment, this free ebook makes it easier for you.

A six-step plan is proposed to help you increase awareness and knowledge about the environment, and to take action to improve and protect the environment, thus creating a green future.

The six steps include:

  1. Respect all life and renew your bond with nature and its biodiversity (Self)
  2. Improve your environmental awareness and knowledge (Self)
  3. Practise the 3 “Rs” – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Self)
  4. Spread the environmental message and influence others (Family/Friends/School/Work/Group)
  5. Support local environmental initiatives and groups (Community/Local Environment)
  6. Use your rights as citizens and consumers (Community/Local Environment)

The steps begin with first developing your “Self” by respecting and renewing your relationship with nature and its biodiversity, improving on your understanding of environmental issues and knowledge, and taking personal actions to reduce wastage and overconsumption.

Next, move on to influence your “Family/Friends/School/Work/Group” by spreading the environmental message to others such as family members, friends and colleagues, and convincing organisations that you belong to, such as schools, companies, religious or social groups, to be environmentally friendly.

Lastly, go one step further to shape your “Community/Local Environment” through supporting environmental initiatives by the government and environmental groups, volunteering or participating in activities organised by the groups, and exercising your rights as citizens and consumers to influence the status quo on the environment.

You can follow the six steps or choose a few steps to do something for the environment. The steps are not complete and are only a guide to help you make the first move.

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