singapore compact

More Companies Embrace CSR in Singapore

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is gaining traction among the companies in Singapore. This is evident from the significant increase in companies joining the Singapore Compact for CSR, a tripartite body charged with promoting CSR in Singapore. Its membership grew 42% from 239 last September to 341 this year. There is…

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New Book on CSR for Sustainability and Success

The new book “CSR for Sustainability and Success” by Singapore Compact was launched during the International Singapore Compact CSR Summit held last week. The book features the CSR journey and experiences of 10 local and global companies with operations in Singapore. The 10 companies (listed below) are in the following…

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Corporate Social Responsibility in Singapore: Awareness and Implementation

The awareness and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Singapore has been increasing over the past four years since the formation of the Singapore Compact, a national society promoting CSR in Singapore. What is CSR? Some companies associate CSR with charity and philanthropy, but CSR actually goes beyond that.…

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Interview with Thomas Thomas, Executive Director, Singapore Compact for CSR

This interview with Thomas Thomas, Executive Director, Singapore Compact for CSR, is submitted by the organisers of the International Singapore Compact CSR Summit. 1. What are your hopes for International Singapore Compact CSR Summit that will be taking place from 6-7 October 2009 at Orchard Hotel? I hope that there…

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