Sharing Economy

My vision of a sustainable future for Singapore in 2065

As we reach the final day of our SG50 celebrations in 2015, what kind of sustainable future would we hope for in SG100? The government is already starting a series of SGfuture engagement sessions to gather thoughts from stakeholders. To me, my vision of a sustainable future for Singapore in…

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Insights on the Circular Economy in Singapore

Our current linear production and consumption model of “take, make and dispose” is not sustainable. We no longer can afford to use more limited resources and create more waste. We have to change, and the alternative model that is fast gaining traction is the circular economy. Driven by the Ellen…

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Peer-to-Peer Renting in Singapore with Rent Tycoons

Rent Tycoons is the first company in Singapore to provide a peer-to-peer renting platform for individuals and businesses to rent items to/from each other. Fenni Wang and Swito Yuber, Co-Founders of Rent Tycoons, shared more about their company in this interview: 1) Why did you start Rent Tycoons? Were you…

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